The Goal
Empower students to work together to create innovative solutions that address real-world challenges on campus.
Provide participants with the opportunity to develop practical skills, enhance their resumes, and make a positive impact on the university community.
1. Registration
Register before November 18th.
When you register, tell us a problem you would like to solve.
If you do not register, you cannot participate.
2. Theme Reveal
On November 19th, we will reveal 3-5 problems participants can solve.
Whiteboard ideas, talk to professors, research technologies. Get ready to hack.
Do not push anything to github before novmeber 22nd.
3. Hack
On November 22nd, hacking begins. Make your first git commit.
On November 24th, submissions must be completed by 4pm.
4. Presentation
At 4pm on November 24th, teams will begin to present their solutions to the judges. Each presentation will be 3-7 minutes.
The Prize:
1st place: $100
2nd place: $50
3rd place: custom made GSHacks t-shirt
4th place: Firm handshake and a "good job, bud"
Let's bring innovation back to GSU
RSVP Via PIN Join Us on DiscordAll participants must join our discord.